For my final project for my internship course, I have created a GIS portfolio on a website showcasing maps and projects I have completed since beginning the GIS Master's Certificate program here at the University of Florida. It was fun to go through all of my work from the beginning. I could definitely see where I made improvements and noticed I have a certain map style.
My favorite type of maps to make are bivariate choropleth maps. I like the way they convey so much data in a very succinct manner.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Spectral Classification
For this week's lab, we learned how to complete an unsupervised and supervised classification on an aerial image in ERDAS Imagine. First, we practiced classifying an unsupervised image of UWF campus by accurately classifying different spatial and spectral resolutions. To finalize this, we reclassified and recoded images from the spectral signatures created in an AOI layer.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Spatial Enhancements & Multispectral Bands
For this week's lab, we learned how to apply spatial enhancements, perform a multispectral analysis, and create band indices.
The spike on the histogram between pixels 12 and 18 is very
tall so that means the feature is very large. I viewed in multiple color
combinations and greyscale and noted features I was confident with identifying
such as water, mountains, town. When I moved the breakpoint on the histogram
between 12 and 18 pixels, the rivers and lakes remained dark so I was able to
conclude that the feature was water. For the bands, I used the TM False Natural
Color 5,4,3 Landstat 4 TM-6 Bands because this combination band makes water
delineation stand out.
I viewed this image in greyscale and different multispectral
bands and it was white in Layers 1-4 and dark in Layers 5-6. When I viewed the
Histogram, there was a small spike on the right which means it is very bright. I was able to identify the feature as snow. I used the
True Color combination 3,2,1 with the Landstat 4 TM-6 bands because the white snow
stood out in natural color.
Since I knew this feature was going to be water as well, I
just had to deduce what type of water. Layers 1-3 became brighter in certain
areas and somewhat brighter in certain areas in Layer 4. I was able to quickly
identify the feature as being shallow water because the shorelines were brighter
and then what appeared to be a landlocked water basin was very bright as well. I chose the TM False Natural Color IR 4,3,2 combination
with Landstat 4 TM-6 bands.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
GIS Event Day
For my GIS Day Event, I decided to do something personal and
informal. This is partly due to the fact that I have a ton on my plate right
now and then partly because I am a sensitive creature. I decided to invite my
family to be guests for my event and shared a story map I made earlier this
year about my experiences in 2018. It was an assignment where I created
something really personal for myself and had not yet shown anyone (that I know
personally). I wanted to share with my family that one of the reasons why I
love GIS so much is how versatile it is for everything. It geographically and
spatially relates ANY kind of data in a manner that drives industries. But it
can also be used as a creative expression! I went to my mother’s house and
showed her. I had hoped for a larger audience but Jim was hunting and my sister
ended up not being able to make it. That’s ok because my Mom made me talk about
GIS LOL. She works as a freight broker and said that she is glad I understand
how to use GIS because it is beneficial to her. Like, when she has an oversized
load and needs me to look up low clearance maps from TxDOT on arcgis, so she
can route her driver properly. We had an emotional moment after she viewed my
story map. She appreciated how it created a timeline of my life. Here is the
link for my story map:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
ERDAS Imagine
For Module 4, we were introduced to ERDAS Imagine and how to use basic tools and view data. This lab really jump started our work with remote sensing. We learned about EMR, electromagnetic radiation, and how to calculate its wavelength and frequency based on Maxwell's Wave Theory. The size of the wavelength is related to the amount of energy and the frequency of that energy. The amount of energy is inversely related to the wavelength of the light: the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy of each photon of the light. Maxwell's Wave Theory, which is the speed of light = (wavelength in meters)*(frequency in Hz), and Planck's Relation, energy of photon/quantam in Joules = (Planck's constant- 6.626*10^-34 J*s)*(frequency in Hz), calculate and derive variables that explain EMR. This is important to understand when studying remote sensing because it helps you identify features in the photography. In ERDAS, we learned how to view raster layers and understand the data being displayed. Raster layers can be raw/multiple layer continuous data, single layer panchromatic continuous data, or categorical/single layer thematic data. Continuous data is quantitative data that has related, continuous data. Thematic data is qualitative data that is categorical. We compared AVHRR images to TM (thematic mapping) images to determine that the former has a coarser spatial resolution than the latter. On the TM image, many features can be identified, so we changed the band combinations for multispectral data to enhance vegetation differentiation, snow, water delineation, and bare ground/urban areas. We also learned that to switch between the TM False Natural Color and TM False Color IR, the former makes the bare ground more distinguishable. These are important tools to use when identifying features. For the map delivarable this week, we used ERDAS Imagine to create a subset image to use in ArcPro to make a map.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Land Use/Land Cover Classification and Ground Truthing
For Module 2, we utilized the identifying features we learned last week, such as shape/size, color, shadow, pattern, and association, to help locate features in a natural color aerial image and create a land cover/land use map in Pascagoula, MS. Land cover is the biophysical description of the Earth's surface. Land use is how humans interact with the landscape and therefore change it. I used Level I and Level II classification scheme to create codes for different features I found. There are 9 Level I classes and I used 6 of them: Water, Urban, Agricultural, Wetland, Barren Land, and Forest Land. The trickiest part of this lab was getting comfortable creating polygons and editing the vertices in a way to keep overlap at a minimal.For the ground truthing calculation, I created 30 random sample points by distributing them as evenly as possible across the map. Then, I utilized Google Maps street view to check the accuracy of each point to polygon. In the shapefile attribute table, I used Yes or No to confirm the accuracy.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Visual Interpretation
For exercise 1, I had to learn how to identify features using
tone and texture. I began with “tone” which is how light or dark something is,
and created a feature class for each classification. This is done by
highlighting the .gdb file in the ArcCatalog pane, right-clicking, and
selecting new feature class with polygon geometry. I added the Tone feature
class to the map by dragging it over. Then, I added each feature name opening
the attribute table for Tone, and adding a field for each feature. Lastly, I
would create the polygon for each feature by highlighting the feature in the
attribute table, selecting edit>create feature>polygon. I repeated this
process for Texture For labeling purposes, I chose the polygon lines to be a
bright blue color (Tone) and a bright red color (Texture) with a 2pt width because
I needed it to stand out on an otherwise colorless background. The 5
classifications I used for Tone were Very Light, Light, Medium, Dark, and Very
Dark. The 5 classifications I used for Texture were Very Fine, Fine, Mottled,
Coarse, and Very Coarse. Some examples of features I chose for tone and texture
were an airport for very light, calm water for very fine, and a neighborhood
for coarse. Some features had varying tones/textures such as vegetation.
For exercise 2, I had to visually identify features using the
criteria of shape/size, shadow, pattern, and association. I used the same steps
as in exercise 1 to create feature classes for each criteria except this time I
used point geometry. Shape/size is the most intuitive and easiest identifying
feature to begin with. Without having to zoom in or study the aerial photo
long, I was able to identify a pier. I was pretty sure I located a two swimming
pools but after zooming in slightly, I was 100% sure. I did have to zoom in
very close and pan around the photo to see other features more clearly. This
allowed me to easily identify a vehicle. I remained zoomed in when I chose the
three features for shadow. I chose trees, a motel sign, and a water tower
because they had clear shadows being cast. I almost chose buildings because so
many had shadows but decided to use the examples that would be very difficult
to identify without that one criteria (buildings have multiple criteria).
Pattern is almost as intuitive as shape/size for identifying features, in my
opinion. It was easy to locate the waves in the body of water, the multiple
transmission lines, and the lined spaces for the parking lot. For association,
I chose the motel and the neighborhood clubhouse. Each building contained a
swimming pool which helped signal the association. For labeling purposes, I
employed a few techniques for the map to stand out, as I was dealing with
another colorless background. I used 5pt circles with different colors for each
criteria. For the labels, I used the Point of Interest text symbol with “white
halo”. However, I changed the color of the halo to match the symbol color, used
with the underlying black text. I felt this aesthetic was pleasing to the eye.
For Exercise 3, I explored color
interpretation by comparing a true color image and a color infrared image. The
mixed pine forest area southwest of the area initially appeared green to me but
it was entirely red in the false color image thus its true color was near
infrared. The marsh was easy to discern as its true color was green and false
color was blue. There were some areas that I interpreted as rivers/water
retention areas that were white in true color and blue in false color. I
concluded that these could be possible construction or industrial areas that do
not contain runoff all of the time. The buildings appeared to be white in both
true color and false color because they reflect light. We did not have to make
a map of this exercise but it was good practice to see how having a thorough
understanding of your area and how true/false color can help you understand
features in an aerial photograph.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Final Project
Cartography mapped us through a
journey of 12 modules that led to this point. For the final project module, I
created a bivariate map, where I displayed 2 thematic datasets over one
geographic area. The topic of the map was to show the SAT mean composite scores
in 2014 in each state coupled with the participation rate of each state. The
importance of creating such maps is that it shows the empirical association
between two variables. Presenting a map of the SAT scores in each state can be
deceptive in how the data is perceived. Other variables can influence why one
state has a higher performance than another state. The map that I produced will
highlight how the participation rate of persons taking the SAT exam in each
state relates to that state’s mean composite score.
To juxtapose the United States’ SAT
2014 mean composite scores next to each state’s participation rate, I chose to
display the thematic datasets as a choropleth map for representation of the SAT
mean composite scores and employed graduated symbols to signify the
participation rate in each state. For the choropleth map depicting the SAT mean composite scores, I chose a
manual 5 class data classification with a graduated color scheme of blue. For
the graduated symbols, I selected them over proportional symbols because they
are classified data whereas proportional symbols are unclassified. Since the
participation rate represented a percentage, I wanted to be able to break it
down into classes that represented the data as evenly distributed as possible. Instead
of employing 5 classes at Natural Breaks, I manually created 6 classes: 0%-10%,
11%-30%, 31%-50%, 51%-70%, 71-90%, and 91-100%. The intervals for 5 classes was
much too large. For the map layout, I chose a landscape orientation because it
is best suited for a map of the Unites States. I created 3 inset maps; an inset
map each for Alaska and Hawaii so I could zoom on the mainland at an
appropriate size without leaving Alaska and Hawaii off. For the third inset
map, I zoomed in on an area of the east coast where the states are
geographically small but they had the highest participation rate. I wanted the
map reader to be able to see that while their test scores were lower than the
national average, they also had the highest participation rate. I used Adobe
Illustrator to isolate the graduated symbols and move them around each state to
create the ideal visual hierarchy and balance. I chose a map projection of
North America Albers Equal Area Conic because equal area projections are the
ideal choice for thematic maps (Esri).
Every year, students across the country prepare for months
for SAT Exams in the hopes of getting accepted into as prestigious a university
as possible. If this map had only included the Mean SAT composite scores per
state, people would have a skewed perception of what that data truly means. By
employing a second dataset that showed the participation rate, the audience can
get a better understanding about what those scores mean. The map does a good
job depicting that while a cluster of states in the Midwest have the highest
scores, they also have the lowest participation rate.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Google Earth
For Module 12, we created a kmz file from our Module 10 Dot Density map for Google Earth and created a tour of Miami, Ft Lauderdale, St Petersburg, and Tampa, FL. Google Earth is an interactive 3D representation of Earth based on satellite imagery. Data can be uploaded into Google Earth and saved as a kml file that is accessible by any ESRI, KML, and Google Earth client. It is a simple way for users who lack GIS knowledge to access geographic data. To create the kmz file, I converted the appropriate features, Surface Waters and Florida Counties, to KML. To prevent ArcPro from crashing, I had to add an attribute field POP10000 on the dot density layer and calculate the field by using the Python expression: !Sheet0_Population!/10000. Once the new field was calculated, I used the Create Random Points tool for the dot density feature class. Then I ran the Layer to KML. I adjusted the legends for the features and dot density in ArcPro and used the snipping tool to save each image and added the image overlay into Google Earth. For the tour, I created placemarks for each location. I created the tour by recording each placemark and zooming in and around the area for an in depth view of the 3D buildings.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
3D Mapping
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Dot Mapping
This week's Module 10 lab we learned about the dot mapping method. Dot maps are a type of thematic map used to help visualize distribution and densities of a large number of discrete numerical points. Dot maps rely on visual scatter to show spatial patterns and are commonly used for population maps.They display a good visual representation of variations and can also be used for statistical analysis. Dot maps have good spatial representation. Dot maps are easy for map readers to interpret. Dot maps visually match phenomena that changes smoothly over a space. There are a few disadvantages to using dot maps. The clustering can make it impossible to plot and
interpret dot maps. Large numbers of dots are difficult to count and calculate
actual figures. The size of the dot has to be carefully selected to display
data clearly. The areas with no data give a false sense of emptiness.
For our assignment this week, I mapped the population density of South Florida. I chose a size 3pt for the the dot symbol and the color red. I opted to no color for the county borders and the bodies of water for the main portion of the map because it made the map look cleaner. For the urban areas, I chose a mauve color and used a 50% transparency. I created an inset map for the state of Florida that included the county border outline for reference. I created two legends for more clarity for the map reader. One of the legends depicted the dot symbols and the proportional count. I created this by using the rectangle tool to make one square and copied it to make two more. I then used the circle tool and added the dot symbols.
For our assignment this week, I mapped the population density of South Florida. I chose a size 3pt for the the dot symbol and the color red. I opted to no color for the county borders and the bodies of water for the main portion of the map because it made the map look cleaner. For the urban areas, I chose a mauve color and used a 50% transparency. I created an inset map for the state of Florida that included the county border outline for reference. I created two legends for more clarity for the map reader. One of the legends depicted the dot symbols and the proportional count. I created this by using the rectangle tool to make one square and copied it to make two more. I then used the circle tool and added the dot symbols.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Flowline Mapping
For the Module 9 lab, we employed a radial flow
map to depict the migration of immigrants from around the world to the United
States. The map has a spoke like pattern in nodal form with all of the flow
lines ending at the same destination, the United States. For my map, I opted to go with the Flowline
Basemap A with the choropleth map located in the inset map. I chose to leave
the continents in place and made all of the flow lines the same red color. I
used the weight point that I calculated in excel to show the proportion of the
migration count from each country. I set the opacity to 75% and added a drop
shadow to all of the flow lines. I chose a brown to light tan graduated color
scheme for the choropleth inset map. These colors were noted in the legend in
the manual breaks method with the lightest colors correlating to the lowest
immigration percentage. The legend also contained the immigration totals per
country in descending order to match the color legend. I changed the color
scheme for the countries and chose slightly vibrant colors since it was a world
map and my map was not heavily stylized.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Isarithmic Mapping
Module 8 introduced the class to Isarithmic mapping. Isarithmic maps depict smooth, continuous phenomena across an area using varying symbology methods. The phenomena are measured at control points and interpolated using the appropriate method. We mapped the state of Washington depicting the annual average precipitation from 1981-2010. The precipitation data was
derived by measuring at control points and interpolated using PRISM (Parameter-elevation
Relationships on Independent Slopes Model). This interpolation method accounts
for major physiological factors (location, elevation, coastal proximity,
topographic orientation, vertical atmospheric layer, topographic position, and
orthographic effectiveness of the terrain) influencing climate patterns. As
precipitation generally increases with elevation, PRISM integrates elevation
into the surface by utilizing a digital elevation model (DEM). I created two maps with one using continuous tone symbology and the other using hypsometric tinting. The first map is a continuous tone map showing the annual average rainfall in Washington state from 1981-2010 using smooth stretch symbology. The second map implements hypsometric tinting and utilized classified symbology with the data manually divided into 10 different classes. Relief was incorporated into both maps by employing the hillshade effect but the hypsometric tint map also shows contour lines. The hypsometric tint map was ultimately used for the end product because it is ideal for geographically smaller areas such as a state where the continuous tone map would have been more appropriate if the map was of the United States.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Choropleth Mapping
This week's lab we produced a choropleth map denoting the population density of European countries and their wine consumption. A choropleth map is a thematic map in which enumeration units are shaded by intensity proportional to the data values associated with those units. The data needed to be normalized by using population density versus raw population count because the latter can be deceptive when land polygons are not the same size. The eye naturally follows areas of the same color giving larger polygons undue ranking and minimizes the significance of smaller polygons. For this map, I used the Europe Albers Equal Area Conic because equal area projections are ideal for choropleth maps especially when choosing to map population density. It shows the map is displayed in true proportions to its size on Earth. For the data classification, I chose the quartile method because it included all of the classes and contained a clear breakdown of the data displayed. Some of the other classifications did not include the darkest color class. I chose a graduated color ramp of brown light to dark that is color blind friendly. Since choropleth maps display alot of data by using color, I wanted my map to be easily read by every potential user. For the wine consumption, I chose the graduated symbols because the proportional symbols overlapped my entire map. I did not normalize this data because graduated/proportional symbology represents numerical data associated with point locations, not area.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Data Classification
This week's lab we learned about the 4 common data classification methods: Equal Interval, Quantile, Standard Deviation, and Natural Breaks. We compiled two maps using the Miami Dade County 2010 Census tract data to display each classification method. The first map showed the population percent of senior citizens aged 65 and above. The second map showed the senior citizen population normalized by area. Equal
Interval is a classification method where data is represented by classes that
contain an equal amount of data values. The range of the data is divided by the
amount of classes you want to have. This method is the easiest for the reader
to interpret and it is also the easiest to prepare. However, there can be an
unequal amount of distribution within the classes that can cause entire classes
to be unrepresented with fill color on the map or for one class to dominate the
map. Quantile
is a classification method where data is sorted into a certain amount of
categories with each category containing the same number of values. The total
number of observations is divided by the total number of classes. While you
will never have empty classes, you have to manually adjust your break values to
compensate for tied classes. Similar features can be placed in adjacent classes
or features with grossly different values can be placed in the same class. This
distortion can be decreased by adding classes. Standard
Deviation is a classification method where the standard deviation is
added/subtracted from the mean of the data. The data needs to be normally
distributed to give your classes clear dividing points. The audience target
should be considered as this statistical representation might not be easily understood. Natural
Break is a classification method where the natural groups in the dataset are
considered. This minimized the differences between data values in the same
class. It does consider outliers and places them in their own categories but
clusters are placed in one or two classes. It can be difficult to compare two or
more maps with the natural break classification because each map range is data
The first map, under the symbology tab, I selected the graduated color (green hue, light to dark) with the field PCT_65ABV for all of the data classification methods except for the Standard Deviation. For the Standard Deviation method, I used the dark brown-tan to light blue-navy blue. The map contained all map essentials with four data frames that contained a legend in each. I used the same layout for the second map except I normalized the area in square miles under the field AGE_65_UP. The population count normalized by area more accurately
depicts the distribution of senior citizens of Miami Dade County. The percent above
65 data presentation can be misleading in that a large tract can have a high
percentage of senior citizens residing there but contain a low population
count. Since the percent above 65 presentation does not factor in area, a small
tract can be densely populated while a large tract can be sparsely populated.
When the data is normalized by area, the reader can focus on the areas that are
densely populated.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Land Partitioning and Cartographic Design Principles
This week's lab is land partitioning and cartographic design principles. We learned the four Gestalt's principles to follow for map organization. The steps to follow are visual hierarchy, contrast, figure ground, and visual balance. Following these processes should help achieve a well-designed map that is concise, informative, accurate, creative, and user friendly. This week we created a map of the Ward 7 public schools in the Washington DC area. I implemented visual hierarchy in my map by labeling the roads with larger point lines for larger roads and the point size decreased as the roads got smaller. I implemented a white halo around all of the neighborhoods that were labeled. For the hydrographic feature, I used curved text for the label to follow the natural curvature of the river. I also used double spacing between each letter, 12 pt, and blue font. The title of the map has a 42 pt font and the subtitle has a 36 pt font. They both contain the Arial Bold font as I wanted it to stand out on the page.
The symbology I chose for the road features achieved adequate contrast in my map. I chose a 0.25 pt, light grey color for the Ward 7 streets that really helped make Ward 7 stand out in comparison with the rest of the map. For the US Highways and Major Streets in all of the Washington DC area on the map, including Ward 7, I chose the ArcGIS 2D standard symbols. I felt using these symbols really added some depth and character to my map and kept it from being too bland. The school symbols were sized smallest to largest to correlate chronologically with elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. I also colored them lightest to darkest as well. I established figure ground relationship in my map by using a lighter color scheme for Ward 7, the focal area of our map. I chose a darker tan/burnt orange color for the entire Washington DC area. It complemented the light cream color I chose for Ward 7.
This map was a little tricky to achieve optimal balance due to the "pac-man" shape of the Washington DC area being displayed. I chose to put the inset map on the bottom right portion of the map where there was the most space. I chose to put the legend in the northern portion of the map. This was because I was only required to include 3 symbols in my legend. I put the date and author name under the inset map. I felt if I included it on top, like I did the Data Source, it would look cluttered and take attention away from the more focal areas. The map frame and inset frame were sized appropriately to claim the majority of the space on the map. I really put for the effort to ensure that everything was centered and aligned correctly.
The symbology I chose for the road features achieved adequate contrast in my map. I chose a 0.25 pt, light grey color for the Ward 7 streets that really helped make Ward 7 stand out in comparison with the rest of the map. For the US Highways and Major Streets in all of the Washington DC area on the map, including Ward 7, I chose the ArcGIS 2D standard symbols. I felt using these symbols really added some depth and character to my map and kept it from being too bland. The school symbols were sized smallest to largest to correlate chronologically with elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. I also colored them lightest to darkest as well. I established figure ground relationship in my map by using a lighter color scheme for Ward 7, the focal area of our map. I chose a darker tan/burnt orange color for the entire Washington DC area. It complemented the light cream color I chose for Ward 7.
This map was a little tricky to achieve optimal balance due to the "pac-man" shape of the Washington DC area being displayed. I chose to put the inset map on the bottom right portion of the map where there was the most space. I chose to put the legend in the northern portion of the map. This was because I was only required to include 3 symbols in my legend. I put the date and author name under the inset map. I felt if I included it on top, like I did the Data Source, it would look cluttered and take attention away from the more focal areas. The map frame and inset frame were sized appropriately to claim the majority of the space on the map. I really put for the effort to ensure that everything was centered and aligned correctly.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
This week we completed Module 3: Topography where we produced a map of Marathon, Florida and its neighboring islands. The main focus of the assignment was how to label a map in accordance with general typographic guidelines. Font type, size, orientation, and placement of text are important to consider when labeling the map. For point features, symbols should be placed on the left and defined to the right. Leader lines should be very thin, with no arrowhead, and point to the center of the symbol without touching it. While this assignment had the main focus of typography, producing a quality map with all the essential map elements was an important scope of the project as well. First, I made the basemap in ArcPro and shared it to ArcGIS Online. I exported the map from there to Adobe Illustrator where I created a mapboard. I created layers for a legend, north arrow, neatline, and map title. I also created a layer and sublayers for all the Keys, one for the cities, the state park, country club, and airport. This helped me stay in order when I edited. This week we added an Inset Map to our map. I struggled for a while to get this step completed correctly. The step where I was supposed to make a clipping mask was not yielding what it was supposed to. The first <path> object was not showing up as the border of the topography. It was just one county, therefore I was clipping one county for the Inset Map when I ran through the steps. Finally, I just started from scratch and paid close attention to each step and I got it right. I attribute this to getting familiar with the Adobe Illustrator interface. Part of the assignment called for some map customizations. I applied a drop shadow to
the topography since I used a beige color and it helped it stand out a little
more on the map. For the hydrographic features, I used a blue font and italicized
them all. For the Florida Bay label, I used a wave transformation on the text.
I also transformed the harbor texts 30 degrees to fit them inside their respective
harbors. When I labeled the keys, I used leader lines to help organize the
labeling. While I did not get too crazy with the map, this exercise helped me play around with different styles on the labeling. I also got some experience using more tools, such as the line tool. Adobe Illustrator is proving to be a handy map making tool!
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Intro to Graphic Design with Adobe Illustrator
Just as the title says, this week was an introduction to graphic design with Adobe Illustrator. While I am used to producing maps in ArcMap and find it easier and quicker to use, I can definitely see the value in AI for a cartographer. This week I chose the
portrait layout for this assignment because it is my preference to highlight
the shape of Florida which is more elongated than it is wide. I changed the
font of the title (FLORIDA) to Algerian and set it to bold at 60pt. I felt like
the font that I chose was bright, artistic, and added some flavor to an
otherwise simple map. I set the state nickname as a subtitle, chose a different
font MV Boli, 24pt, and 80% opacity. The state capital, Tallahassee, was
written at 14pt with the standard ArcGIS capital symbol, while the two major
cities, Jacksonville and Tampa, were labeled at 12pt with the ArcGIS city
symbol. I chose to eliminate the Swamps and Marshes layer from the map because
they took up a large portion in two areas. I felt leaving them in added extra
attention which was not pertinent for a basic state map. Streams and lakes were
the hydrographic features displayed. Since streams were thinner and harder to
discern on the map, I chose a darker blue to help make them stand out more,
while I went with a light blue for the lakes. I did a basic map frame by using
the rectangle tool and sizing it to my aesthetic. I displayed the state bird with a title (mockingbirds are common but I would say less known by sight than a Bald Eagle) and the state seal. Honestly, I spent most of my time getting
familiar with Adobe Illustrator since it is my first time using the software.
Photoshop has always been overwhelming for me but I have never taken a
structured course using it. The AI interface is complex for a new user but
after a few do-overs and learning what layers to click and how to isolate when
I am working on them really helped me feel more comfortable. There was a good
portion of time spent using the selection and rectangle tool. I would like to
learn how to make fancier borders for data frames, titles, and legends, but
right now I feel good that I could produce minor elevations to a basic map.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Map Critique
The first lab assignment for Cartography is Module 1: Map Critique. We were instructed to locate one well designed map and one poorly designed map and evaluate each using the map design principles. The well designed map I chose was a geographical map of Mora County, New Mexico. The map was beautifully structured with a good layout and contained all of the important map elements. There was an inset map, two scale bars (one for elevation and one for distance), all of the roadways in the county, and relief was shown for the mountainous terrain. It also contained a well structured legend and data source. The layout and aesthetic design of this map is one I aspire to obtain in my own map making skills. The map that I chose for the poorly designed map really paled in comparison to the map of Mora County, New Mexico. It was a map of the United State's capital populations in 1999. The map author chose to use different sized circles to show the different populations. This pushed some of the city labels off of the map and the big circles even took up space in multiple states. The author should have used a choropleth map to show the different population. I would have chosen different shades of brown to correspond with the population, with the lighter colors going for the less populated and the darkest for the most populated..There were many map elements missing from the map such as a north arrow, scale bar, border, data source, and author name. The map is also not effectively labeled due to some of the large circles crowding space on the map of the United States. Indianapolis is off of the map and located up near the map title. Santa Fe has double spacing where it should be single spaced. The legend only contains numbers to the corresponding circles with no units. The map layout is poorly designed with too much blank space and a legend that is too near the actual map space. The map title should be capitalized. This map is bland and awkward to look at.
We also downloaded Adobe Illustrator and practiced opening a simple map we produced and shared via ArGIS online. I am looking forward to future lab assignments to learn this new ArcGIS version. I currently feel comfortable with the ArcMap 10.4 version, as I use that at work. The new version seems easy enough to follow. The assignment did not take me very long and in fact, I had time to go through it twice.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
All About Sarah Owen
Greetings! This is the second course I am taking in pursuit of my Master's Certificate in GIS from the University of West Florida. I took last semester off because I moved to Houston,TX, bought my first home, switched jobs twice, and got married. I am so excited to get back on track though because GIS is FUN! I completed my BS in Geology from the University of Houston in December 2015. After graduation, I moved near Austin, TX and worked on a Google Maps project. This experience really cemented the realization that I love mapping. Thus, I made the decision to go back to school to get certified to gain knowledge and make myself more marketable for employment. In 2018, I landed my first GIS job working with ArcMap for Centerpoint Energy. Unfortunately, I came on when the project was wrapping up, so I was only able to work there for 8 months. In October, I got hired on another project, this time for Plains All American. I am working as a GIS Data Integration Specialist. My job consists of locating pipelines through ArcMap, extracting pertinent data, and entering it into PODS. My goal is to get a GIS Analyst position where I can produce maps and perform data analysis. I am confident that when I complete the program at UWF, I will be ready for this type of position.
I decided to base my Story Map on the past year of my life. It was an incredible year for me in so many ways. Personal and professional growth abound, 2018 will always be in my memories. If you would like to take the journey, please click on the link below!
I decided to base my Story Map on the past year of my life. It was an incredible year for me in so many ways. Personal and professional growth abound, 2018 will always be in my memories. If you would like to take the journey, please click on the link below!
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