Thursday, April 5, 2018

Week 13 Lab: Georeferencing

This week's lab we took a journey into georeferencing distorted raster images and editing point and polygon features on a map. We started by adding control points by determining the most easily identifiable buildings (polygons) to begin the hunt for a low Root Mean Square (RMS) error. The RMS is an indicator of spatial accuracy and our goal was to get that number as low as possible-but definitely lower than 15! I found this process to be fairly quick and easy and got a 7.62963 on my first attempt! I did have to delete about 3 control points along the way but it was not frustrating in the least. We were introduced to the editor toolbar and used this to create a polygon over one of the campus buildings and to create a polyline for a section of road by following the centerline. Again, this was very quick and easy for me. But, I do this at work so I have had some practice. The subject of the map was creating a conservation zone for an Eagle's Nest and to do this we created a protection buffer using the Multiple Ring Buffer in the toolbar. The following was the process:
1. When I created the hyperlink, I had to save the EaglesNest.jpg to my student Google Drive. From there, I copied the shareable link. When I inputed it into the attribute table, it would not accept more than 65 characters. To solve this problem, I went to and shortened the url link. When I updated the attribute table, the link now worked.
2. TOC > EaglesNest > Properties > HTML popup > check Show Content > Choose As a url radio button > select Picture Field > OK. From here, when you click on EaglesNest with the identify tool, an attribute window pops up and the lightning bolt is a clickable link to the picture.
3. Customize > Customize Mode > Commands > search Multiple Ring Buffer > selected and dragged to editor toolbar > right click and selected Image and Text.

Below are the two map deliverables. One is a 3 dimensional map we created in ArcScene!

UWF Eagle's Nest Conservation
 UWF Campus-3D

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