Thursday, April 5, 2018

Geocoding and Model Builder

This week we focused on geocoding and did an ESRI training exercise about Model Builders. The Model Builder used tools to input data and create output data in a diagram. It taught another way to create buffers. We learned how to make a route analysis and geocode addresses by using the geocoding tool and the network analyst tool. Below is a description of the steps I took:

1.       TOC > EMS Table > Geocode Addresses > MyAddressLocator > Geocoding_Result > Geocoding Options > Minimum match score = 75 and minimum candidate score = 10 > rematch
2.       From here, I had the Lake County, FL  EMS Stations site opened, and I highlighted each unmatched station in sequential order. I added an aerial basemap to ArcMap, and viewed each address on the stations website in satellite view. This made the process go by much quicker as I was able to use surrounding features that stood out to orient myself and locate where each station was.  When I was positive I had the location on ArcMap, I would Pick Address From the Map, and click directly on the map. Then, I would press rematch to clear it out of my list in the rematch window. I followed this process until everything was geocoded!

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