Thursday, March 29, 2018

Week 10: Vector Analysis 2

This week we completed the second portion of the Vector Analysis series for lab. We learned how to use the buffer and overlay tools. We were finally introduced to Python and creating basic script writing by running a buffer. Below are the steps I took:
1.       TOC > Water_Buffer > Open Attribute Table > Add Field > short integer type > “insd_wbuf”
3.       The same process was repeated for the “roadsbuff300m” except the field was named “insd_rbuf”
4.       TOC > roadsbuff300m > Open Attribute Table > Add Field > short integer type > “buffdist”
5.       Keeping the attribute table open, right click on “roadsbuff300m” > Field Calculator > 300 > for every feature in the layer
6.       Next, I ran a Union Overlay by: Arc Toolbox > Analysis Tool > Overlay > Union…then for input features, I selected Water_Buffer and roadsbluff300m. I named the output feature class as S:/Intro2GIS/10_Vector2/V2Data.gdb/Union_Buffer.shp. I joined attributes as ALL and left the Gaps allowed option checked and selected ok.
7.       Select by Attributes > insd_rbuf = 1 AND insd_wbuf  = 1. Then I exported the selected features from TOC > Union_Buffer > Data > Export Data to a new feature class called buffer_union_export
8.       When this new layer was added to the map, I only selected this layer, the Roads layer, and the Water layer to appear on the map.
In this lab, we used the union tool to create the buffer needed to isolate the parameters for our campsites. Below is a map of potential campground sites with the buffers and overlays created.

Potential Campground Sites

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