Saturday, July 18, 2020

Visibility Analysis

For Module 3, we had to take 4 training courses in Esri. The training courses were 3D Visualization using ArcGIS Pro, Performing Line of Sight Analysis, Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro, and Building Models for GIS Analysis Using ArcGIS. All four of the courses trained on how to use geoprocessing tools to manipulate ArcGIS to provide the best output for data analysis. In 3D Visualization, we linked 3D scenes and 2D maps to enable side by side visualization. We also extruded 2D features based on attributes, applied photorealistic symbology, light, and shadow, and shared a 3D scene in a map layout. In the Performing Line of Sight Analysis, we learned the workflow for performing visibility analysis. The exercise had us determine the line of sight for a parade path from a building. The workflow for this was determine observers (top of building) and targets (parade path), construct sight lines, and determine line of sight. The geoprocessing tools used for this were Construct Sight Lines (3D Analyst Tool), Line of Sight (3D Analyst Tool) Tool, Add Z Information (3D Analyst Tool), and Select by Attributes. For Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro, we learned how to use the Viewshed Tool to model visibility from vantage points. The geoprocessing tool considers the height of the individual and surrounding objects,  and reflects visible light (you can adjust refractivity coefficient). The symbology of the tool results indicates which areas are visible and which are not. For the Building Models for GIS Anallysis Using ArcGIS, we learned how to use Model Builder to create geoprocessing models that form an analysis workflow that can be executed with one click. It teaches that the three elements used to create these models are variables, tools, and connectors. Each have different colors and shapes assigned in the model builder. These are create to build simple to complex workflows that need to be tailored to a specific company or job and can be shared easily.

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