Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Exploring & Manipulating Data

Just like the title implies, this week we explored ways to manipulate spatial data. This assignment tasked us to work with search cursors, lists, dictionaries, and display correct usage of update and insert cursors. The most challenging aspect in this lab was creating a for loop on the search cursor and dictionary. I had to correct many mistakes and try different ways until I finally had a script I felt good about. I guess that's the entire point of the assignment-learning how to manipulate data to return the desired output. There are multiple ways to do this and I actually discovered two ways to return the same statement on the dictionary by using two different scripts. Now, that was discovered through trial and error, not first hand knowledge on my part. But I appreciate challenges like that because I feel like it helps build stronger technical skills. Below are screenshots of the script I created and a flowchart!

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