Thursday, February 22, 2018

Map Projections: Part 2

This week's lab was a continuation of displaying data in the same projections. This was definitely the most challenging lab to date. I learned how to project different data files. I chose Pensacola, Florida for my aerials, created a shapefile of petroleum storage tank monitoring sites in Escambia County, and displayed the data over quad index and the counties of Florida. From the website, I learned how to navigate and searched for data files containing aerial images in Florida. From the 2004 RGB State Plane Units: FT MrSID link, I determined the file name by accessing the Geographic Profile>Quad>Dep Name and selected Pensacola, since it was a city in Escambia County, Florida. The quad number was 5258. I downloaded the file and saved to my data file. From, I searched Major Roads, and selected the MAJRDS_JAN18 file from the Florida Department of Transportation. I projected the data from Albers to NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Florida_North_FIPS_0903_Ft_US. is also where I obtained the quad index, and I selected the file USGS 1:24,000 Quarter-Quad Index. I also searched for county boundaries here and downloaded the cntbnd_sept15 file. I projected this file from Albers to NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Florida_North_FIPS_0903_Ft_US with the NAD_1983_To_Harn_Florida transformation. I accessed the EscambiaSTCM file from the R file and added two columns, the Ycoord and the Xcoord, in the excel spreadsheet. I added the XY Data on my map and transformed the data there. I did run into an issue here where the data points were thousands of miles away from Escambia county. It turned out that I needed to add a negative sign to my Y coordinates. This fixed the issue! The geographic coordinate sytem used for the shapefile created from the excel data was GCS_WGS_1984. When I had all the necessary data, shapefiles created, and projections finished, I was ready to create the map. I added the layers in this order to display so everything was viewable on the map: EscambiaSTMD_SO (excel shapefile), Major Roads, the quad file, the county layer, and the 4 aerial images. I made the quad file 40% transparent so both the quad layer and the county layer could be seen. I have included screenshots of my data and the data frame properties below. Enjoy!

Petroleum Storage Tank Monitoring Sites in Pensacola, FL

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