Thursday, January 18, 2018

Overview ArcGis Lab-Week 1

This week was an introductory on how to create a map in Overview ArcGis Lab. We learned how to navigate through ArcMap and familiarize with all of the different tools and settings. Simple yet crucial steps were learned in the map-making process such as how to launch ArcGis/ArcMap, review the individual file components of a shapefile (DBF, SHP, SHX, etc...), navigate ArcHelp, construct a basic map showing the population of chosen world countries, identify MXD map file and export map images to JPG or PNG format in ArcMap, and complete a process summary. I made sure to take my time and explore different options, while starting over when I made mistakes. I feel confident moving forward that I can progress creatively and learn how to produce quality, more complex maps, while learning GIS applications!

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